Webinars Convenors


Dr Lucille Ngan
Associate Professor, Department of Social Science,
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Dr Lucille Ngan obtained BSocSc (Hons) (Sociology and Social Science and Policy) and PhD (Sociology) from the University of New South Wales, Australia. Her research expertise includes migration, identity, family and gender. She has examined issues such as multi-generational ethnicity among Australian-born Chinese, fatherhood among returnees in Hong Kong, cross-border students in Hong Kong and social inequalities in East Asia. She is currently researching the trajectories, strategies, and practices of Hong Kong transnational families. Her published work include The Chinese Face in Australia: Multi-generational Ethnicity Among Australian-born Chinese and her papers have appeared in Mobilities, Gender, Place and Culture and Social Transformations in Chinese Societies among others.


Dr Anita Chan
Associate Professor, Department of Social Science,
The Education University of Hong Kong

Dr Anita Kit-wa Chan is an expert in gender and education and has examined various gender issues in Hong Kong’s education system, such as the feminisation of primary school teaching; gendered identities of young girls, school teachers and principals; and gender differences in choosing STEM subjects. She is also passionate about family and migration studies and has done research on parenting, motherhood, transnational fatherhood, changing families and intimacies, and cross-border students. Her publications have appeared in journals such as Mobilities; Gender and Education; Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education; History and Education, and so forth. Her current research projects include Global Childhoods; Transnational Families; and Hong Kong Older Women’s subjectivities.